Thanks to our friend, Matti, for hooking us up!
Here we will update about what’s going on. Like, oh there’s a pandemic, what’s happening with camping?
We are now booking limited campers and the cabin only, give us a call 705-492-6784 to check for availability.
Please be advised that we respect the Ontario Public Health guidelines and follow the protocols – meaning when you are here, stick to your own camping buds, understand that if the sauna is being used, you must wait until it is free before going in. Keep biodegradable soap with you (we make some if you don’t have any 😉 Have a thing of hand sanitizer/wipes to use when getting water from the pavilion tap, using paddles/canoes/kayaks… We keep hand sanitizer bottles around, but they seem to always go missing (on a side mom-note: please don’t take stuff that’s not yours).
Physical distancing between camping groups has pretty much always been a thing here – And, at campfires too, just make sure you are well distanced from others.
Chris & Julie